What Happens if my Neuropathy Treatments aren’t Working in North Scottsdale AZ?
What happens if my neuropathy treatments aren't working in North Scottsdale AZ?

Neuropathy in North Scottsdale AZ is weakness, numbness, and pain from nerve damage that usually happens in the hands and feet. The causes may be different, including post chemotherapy, diabetes, injuries, infections, and exposure to toxins. It's frustrating when treatments go on for a long time, and they don't work. You may have been going through treatments for some time, and things might even be getting worse. Your doctor tells you to hang in there and things will change, but it appears that they are not changing. The pain, tingling, and burning keeps you awake, keeps you from enjoying your family and activities, and really takes a toll on your energy and your life. You're at the end of your rope, and now what? Please read on, and I might be able to give you some hope.
Neuropathy in North SCOTTSDALE AZ
First of all, you've had the treatments that are recommended by your doctor. You've been as compliant as you can be, showed up for all of the appointments, and done what they've told you to do. Insurance has been taking care of the cost, and still, little or no results. Many patients tell me this has gone on for many months, or even years at this point. They are at their wits end.
So now what? First, talk to your present doctor about what other treatments are available to you, including those treatments that are not covered on your insurance. As I say in many of my articles, most of the best treatments available are not covered on insurance. Once you've had the discussion with your present doctor, you'll know what your options at that facility are. If there are no options, or they don't offer you one, it's time to move on to another practitioner with other treatment options. It's a tough move and it's unknown territory, but the decision has to be made if you want relief from the relentless pain.
Finding another practitioner might be difficult if you're still looking for treatments that are covered on your insurance. Effective, scientific treatments are available out there, and really work. These treatments include, not just ozone, but specific neuropathy treatments that are proven with studies that show the efficacy. PRP, or platelet -rich -plasma, along with specific other supplements that can be injected along with the ozone are highly effective in treating neuropathy.
A lot of patients ask about how ozone works, and how it helps conditions like this. Basically, ozone is triple oxygen. It's the same ozone that's in the atmosphere. Oxygen comes out of an oxygen tank, then it's run through an ozone generator. It then can be used for ozone treatments. We all know how healing oxygen is, and when it's tripled in strength, it works even more effectively. Ozone can be injected into the area, put into blood that's been taken out of the body, then put back in. Or it can be put into a bag that's placed over the extremity involved and exposed to the area in a special ozone bag. It is very effective for non-healing wounds, diabetic ulcers, post surgery, and infections.
Chiropractic, especially the Cox Technic, that does not use force or "cracking" of the spine, has been scientifically proven to reduce symptoms of neuropathy. Acupuncture, including cupping in some instances, is also proven to help reduce symptoms of neuropathy. The issue arises when patients want to go to different practitioners for each of the therapies. One practitioner for the chiropractic and acupuncture ensures that the protocols work together to get the best results. The PRP and ozone should also be done concurrently. Receiving these therapies all together in one setting is best.
Click here to learn more about the Cox Technic
The above therapies are even just a few of the options that are out there. We offer all of them at Accurate Care, and we get great results. If you or anyone you know is suffering from neuropathy, please call my office for a complimentary consultation. Please do something soon before it's too late.
Also, please remember that I write 2 articles per month. We all only receive one per month in the mail and if you'd like to read the others, please visit my website at the bottom of this article.
For any questions regarding my articles, please email me at DrLeisa@CaringPainRelief.com
Leisa-Marie Grgula. DC
Chiropractic Physician
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N. Pima Rd. Ste. #115
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
By Appointment
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262