Chiropractor Leisa Grgula D.C.

Doctor Leisa Grgula is a Chiropractic Physician at Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center in North Scottsdale, AZ. If you are struggling with neck or back pain, headaches or migraines, carpal tunnel, sciatica, or any other health condition please contact us today.
- We believe the body can heal itself, given the right guidance and direction.
- We believe drugs hide the cause and prevent natural healing.
- We believe patients deserve the care their bodies need to heal. Not what the pharmaceutical industry tells them they need.
- We believe people heal in their own time when they need it. Everyone’s healing process is different.
- I hold a Bachelor's degree in Human Biology, and received my Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from the National University of Health Sciences, formally National College Of Chiropractic, Lombard, IL in 1995.
- Certified Cox Decompression Manipulative Therapy in 1995.
- I studied acupuncture both privately, and at National, with Dr. Chih-Wei Rei, a Chinese Orthopedic Surgeon, and Chiropractic Physician.
- I’m originally from Massachusetts, and practiced in Chicago for one year, after graduating, I lived and practiced in Sedona since 1996, and have now practiced in North Phoenix since 2007. Since the sale of my Sedona practice in 2010, I now practice solely in North Scottsdale.
“Back in chiropractic school when I was learning to improve others’ health, I began experiencing health problems of my own. I developed severe ulcerative colitis that required two surgeries and extensive pharmaceutical therapy.
This difficult experience prompted me to learn as much as possible about gut health, inflammation, and nutrition.
As a result of my research and discoveries, I’m in recovery from ulcerative colitis, medication-free, since 2000. It has further enhanced my ability to empathize with people whose lives are affected by debilitating conditions.”
Nutrition, food, and exercise programs are integrated into my treatment plans. I help people make small changes in their life that will allow them to enjoy the activities they love without pain or health restrictions.
I believe so many conditions that afflict patients are directly related to the food they eat, their nutrition, and their exercise. My broad-based thorough approach integrates a holistic philosophy into the healing process, allowing the body to heal itself.
I maintain my own health by lifting weights and have competed as an amateur bodybuilder. Enjoying the outdoors here in Arizona, one of my favorite activities is gardening. As a gourmet cook, who’s cooked professionally, I enjoy growing my own organic fruits and vegetables.
Senior Advocate of the Year Given by The Center for Adult Daycare, Cottonwood, AZ 1998, Presented by actor, Donald O’Connor.
I’ve been a regular guest on Morning Scramble, on AZ’s Channel 7. My guest appearances focus on natural health issues and cooking segments featuring healing and healthy foods.
These are not paid advertisements but are community education segments that feature information on alternative health topics.
Back in Sedona from 1997 to 2001, I hosted my own health-related radio talk show, ‘Raising Your Quality of Life, With Dr. Leisa-Marie Grgula’, and wrote a column by the same title, for the Villager Newspaper in Sedona’s Village of Oak Creek, on alternative health issues, from 2005-2006.

My latest column, "The Other Side Of Your Health Story" is featured bi-monthly in Cave Creek’s Sonoran News.
As a wellness speaker, I lecture regularly on health and nutrition throughout the Phoenix area. Venues include Honeywell, Paychex, and both public and private communities.
- American Chiropractic Association since 1990,
- Member National Speaker’s Association 2012-2014,
- Ambassador to the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce 2012-2014,
- Ambassador to the North Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, 2010-2012.
- Former Staff Physician Kachina Point Rehabilitation Center, Sedona, AZ 1996-2010.
- Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Healthcare Committee as the only alternative physician committee member 2012-2013.
Board of Directors
- American Cancer Society, Sedona Verde Valley 1997-1999.
- Board of Directors Sedona Village Business Association 1999-2001,
- Board of Directors Verde Valley Caregivers, 2008-2009.
- Advisory Board for Brookline and Apollo Colleges for Massage and Medical Assistant 2008-2011. Advisory Board Paradise Valley Community College 2011-present.
- Community Involvement
I’ve been very active with local charities back in Sedona, and now in the Greater Phoenix Area, hosting annual toy drives, food drives, purse drives for Women’s Shelters, and other selected charitable events through my office.
If you would like to hire Dr. Leisa to educate or Train your Group or Employees on Better Health, contact our office today.
Additionally, I speak on wellness at businesses, communities, and conferences. Please click on the button below to view my speaker guide one-sheet for more information.
What To Expect In North Scottsdale AZ
Congratulations on choosing Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center! Welcome to our North Scottsdale AZ chiropractic clinic. On your first visit, I'll take a complete case history, and perform a thorough physical examination. If necessary, additional diagnostic methods such as x-rays or MRI will be used to determine if chiropractic can help you. These findings will also help me to create an individualized care program based on the structure and health of your spine.
Pain-relieving therapy may be given. Chiropractic manipulation is generally done on your second visit, to allow me to review your findings and design your custom course of care.
- I will review your goals and consider them in my treatment plan.
- I may also work closely with other health care providers such as orthopedists, neurologists, and other chiropractic physicians in the community to give you the best care possible.
- I won't just be treating your spine, I'll look at the total health and wellness of your entire body, which may include recommendations for chiropractic treatments, rehabilitation, acupuncture, exercise therapy, lifestyle modification, and nutrition.
- I'll then review the findings of your initial exam, and any diagnostic imaging that was done.
Recommendations will be given based on your age, physical condition, lifestyle, unique health problem, and goals.
Oftentimes, the primary course of treatment will be Cox Technic manipulation or "adjustments" to return individual vertebrae to their proper position and motion.
Additional procedures and/or supplements may be used to reduce inflammation, provide pain relief, and enhance healing. These procedures include ice, electro-muscle stimulation, acupuncture, ultrasound, and rehabilitative stretching & strengthening exercises.
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
By Appointment
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262